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The Show That Hugs You


While working with kids at a martial arts studio a few years ago, I discovered an interest in positive psychology.  I began sharing posters, creating activities in the lobby, and leading events for the kids based around these teachings.


After leaving that studioI continued leading events elsewhere, and soon began to implement my newfound knowledge in a brand new way.


I contacted a mom I had known who I was sharing video readings of my children's books with at the time to show her daughter, with the idea of creating a show.  But not just any show... The Show That Hugs You!

How it Started


What it's About

The content on this show is inspired by real life experiences I've had as an adult.  These experiences have given me the life lessons which are the basis for each episode.  The lessons are explored in a fun and interactive way, where families can follow along and engage with the activities onscreen, making it an immersive, hands-on learning experience!

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